#AWHONN2025 Call for Presenters

We are seeking dynamic presenters who can offer our attendees an experience they can only get in person at #AWHONN2025, taking place June 21-25 in Orlando. Content that is presented in unconventional ways, captures the attention of the audience, and leaves attendees with solutions to their biggest challenges can transform professionals into a thriving community, and you can help us get there. Learn more and apply today.

Access to #AWHONN2024 Expires on August 15, 2024

Don’t miss out on experiencing all the content this year’s Convention had to offer. On-demand recordings are now available with achievement of nursing contact hours through August 15, 2024. This includes on-demand sessions and e-posters. You can view these sessions in the Convention app or by using the Convention education site on your desktop. NOTE: No nursing contact hours will be awarded from AWHONN after August 15, 2024.

Here’s What You Missed In Phoenix

Learning happens at every turn at #AWHONN2024. From the General Sessions, to the Nursing Excellence Sessions, to the Poster presentations.

General Session Line-Up

Opening Keynote: Lifting Up Maternal Mental Health

Human Trafficking and Its Intersection With Healthcare: A Targeted Response

Speak Even If Your Voice Shakes: Harnessing the Power of the Nursing Voice for Safe and Respectful Care

Finding Florence: Well-being Throughout Your Career

Indigenous Maternal Wellbeing: Historical and Cultural Constructs

Indigenous Maternal Wellbeing: Historical and Cultural Constructs

Indigenous Maternal Wellbeing: Historical and Cultural Constructs

Thank you to Welcome Newborn by VIP, our official photographer for the AWHONN Convention.

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