Monday, June 27
Time: 6:15-8:15 am
Title: Sleeping with Science
Speaker: Dr. Charlotte Wool, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Professor of Nursing at York College of Pennsylvania
Description: This presentation contains the most current evidence related to healthy, optimal sleep across the lifespan. Sleep science data will be presented in a consumer-friendly manner so participants can personally benefit from the information and use it to support the tiniest patients and their family members. Sleep tools and recommendations will be distributed to participants so they can start executing the knowledge from this presentation to curate their very best life. Click here to register.
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Monday June 27
Time: 7–8:15 am
Credits: NA
Title: Incorporating the Jada System into Your Postpartum Hemorrhage Toolkit: Reflections from the First Year of Clinical Use in the United States
Dr. Kara Rood
Danielle Suhy, MSN RNC-OB C-EFM, Clinical Educator at Organon for the Jada System
Description: This session will include an interactive discussion between Dr. Kara Rood and Jada® System Clinical Educator Danielle Suhy. Dr. Rood was a principal investigator in the PEARLE Study and brought the Jada® System into her institution within the first year of being commercially available. This session will include an overview of the Jada® System, the device’s mechanism of action and a recap of the results of the PEARLE pivotal clinical trial. Dr. Rood will share her experience bringing Jada through their hospital procurement processes, best practices for training and implementation their Labor and Delivery teams and other key learnings she has had adding Jada to her treatment algorithm for abnormal postpartum uterine bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage.
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Monday, June 27
Time: 11:15 am–1 pm
Credits: 2.0
Title: The Power and Potential of Newborn Stem Cells
Speaker: Lauren Isley, CGC, MS
Description: Stem cells are non-specialized cells that are able to proliferate and differentiate into specialized cells. They can be collected from umbilical cord blood and tissue after birth and then stored for potential future treatment of various diseases, including lymphoma and leukemia. Proper collection technique is vital to the utility of the samples for future treatments, and parent education is a key component in the process.
This education program explores the types of stem cells, their current and potential uses, proper collection techniques, processing and storage of the collected blood or tissue, and education for expectant parents. To register, visit:
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Monday, June 27
Time: 12-2 pm
Title: Resources and Strategies to Empower Women to Improve Maternal Health in the Fourth Trimester
Speaker: Zsakeba Henderson, Senior Vice President & Maternal Child Health Impact Deputy Medical Officer, March of Dimes MD, FACOG
Description: Severe maternal morbidity rates have doubled over the last two decades, affecting approximately 60,000 women in the U.S. each year. Pregnancy-related death have also doubled, with more than 800 women dying each year. Per the CDC, maternal morbidity and mortality is highest in the first 42 days postpartum. The weeks following birth are a critical period to optimize the health of women and healthcare professionals are being called upon to expand care to the fourth trimester. This symposium will provide education, tools and resources to help participants prepare women and families for the postpartum period. Participants will recognize potential postpartum complications and challenges and describe strategies and resources to promote postpartum wellness and prevent postpartum complications. To register, click here: Register Here
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Monday June 27
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Credits: 2.0
Title: Decreasing the Risk of Maternal Morbidities During Cesarean Delivery at Full Dilation and Introduction to Fetal Pillow
Speaker: Deb Ebert MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR, CCRN-K, CPAN, CAPA – Associate Vice President, Perioperative Services, Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX
Description: About a third of deliveries in the US are performed by caesarean section. When a caesarean delivery is performed in the second stage of labor, both mother and fetus are at high risk of additional complications. In addition, the procedure for a second stage/ full dilation / cesarean delivery may not be well understood by all members of the obstetric team. Ensuring the health and safety of both mother and fetus during this scenario requires that the team be aware of all potential morbidities, and that they be prepared to use the technique associated with the best outcomes.
This education symposium will review the anatomical landmarks and normal progress of labor and delivery, discuss the incidence and risks associated with cesarean delivery at full dilation, and describe the interventions available to manage this challenging scenario, focusing on the use of a cephalic elevation device. To register, visit:
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