
Saturday, June 25
Time: 12-2 pm
Credits: 1.5 CNE through Family to Family
Title: What’s with all the R’s? Embracing the 5th R: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.


Rose L. Horton MSM, RNC-OB, NEA-BC, CEO & Founder #NotOnMyWatch Consulting.

Dixie K. Weber MS, RN, System Director of Women and Children’s Service Line, PeaceHealth System

Rebecca Vahle MA, Executive Director Family to Family Support Network

Description: The launching of the Respectful Maternity Care Guidelines is transformative. This work empowers you to lead the pack by infusing respect into every interaction, with every patient, every time. Join us in the highly entertaining, engaging, and crucial conversation to help you continue the forward momentum toward respectful maternity care. To register for this event, click here

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Sunday, June 26
Time: 8-10 am
Credits: N/A
Title: Reinventing the Cesarean Pain Experience with TAP Blocks

Speakers: Lea Villadiego, MSN, APRN, FNP-C

Description: You’re invited to our breakfast symposium for a presentation by Lea Villadiego, a published Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of nursing experience. Focusing on cesarean births, she will cover current pain control modalities, ERAS® best practices, and transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks. Walk away with the data and insights you need to drive implementation of a C-section TAP program at your facility. To register, visit:

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Sunday, June 26
Time: 8-10 am
Credits: 1.0 CE credits
Title: Newborn Falls and Drops: An Interactive Discussion to Achieve Best Practices


Elizabeth Rochin Ph.D, RN, NE-BC

Description: According to The Joint Commission, there are 600-1,600 in-hospital newborn falls/drops in the United States annually and this is one of the most underreported and insufficiently researched patient safety events. Join this discussion to go deeper on this risk, how falls or near misses occur, and how they can be avoided in your unit. You’ll leave with a different view of how to approach this very important safety concern. To register, visit:

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Sunday. June 26
Time: 12–2pm
Credits: 1.25
Title: Ally vs Accomplice: How to Call Everyone “In”


Rose L. Horton, MSM, RNC-OB, NEA-BC

Rebecca Vahle, MA
Director of Training and Program Development Family to Family Support Network

Description: There are so many (wonderful) conversations around Diversity, Equity. To register, please visit: MJN Portal – Event Registration – Program ID 28026

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Sunday, June 26
Time: 12-2 pm
Credits: 2.0
Title: When the Expected is Lost:  Care and Grief Support Following Fetal Diagnosis


Kris Rimbos, RNC-OB, C-EFM, NE-BC, Nursing Director at The Chicago Institute for Fetal Health in Lurie Children’s Hospital, and Membership Chair for the FTNN.

Katie Francis, MSN, APRN, Program Coordinator at St. Louis Fetal Care Institute at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, founding President of the FTNN and Governance Chair for FTNN.

Emilie Lamberg Jones, BSW, RN, C-EFM, CPLC, Fetal Care Coordinator at the Fetal Concerns Center at Children’s Wisconsin, PLIDA Board member and former Vice President, and FTNN Member.

Gina Leigh Jones, RN, CPLC, Coordinator of Bereavement and Supportive Care Services in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, and PLIDA President.

Sarah Copple, MSN, RNC-MNN, C-ONQS, Manager of Clinical Program Development for AWHONN.

Description: The Fetal Therapy Nurse Network (FTNN) and Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance (PLIDA) are collaborating with AWHONN to provide a panel presentation on supporting fetal health families through the trauma, grief, and loss experienced with prenatal diagnosis of various fetal anomalies. Please click here to register. Goals include increasing awareness of:

  • The scope and practice of fetal health nurses
  • The experience and needs for support of families with prenatal diagnosis of various fetal conditions
  • Resources for support available from FTNN, PLIDA, and AWHONN
  • The ways in which AWHONN nurses can help to support fetal health families during various healthcare encounters

Monday, June 27
Time: 6:15-8:15 am
Title: Sleeping with Science

Dr. Charlotte Wool, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Professor of Nursing at York College of Pennsylvania

Description: This presentation contains the most current evidence related to healthy, optimal sleep across the lifespan. Sleep science data will be presented in a consumer-friendly manner so participants can personally benefit from the information and use it to support the tiniest patients and their family members. Sleep tools and recommendations will be distributed to participants so they can start executing the knowledge from this presentation to curate their very best life. Click here to register.

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Monday June 27
Time: 7–8:15 am
Credits: NA
Title: Incorporating the Jada System into Your Postpartum Hemorrhage Toolkit: Reflections from the First Year of Clinical Use in the United States


Dr. Kara Rood

Danielle Suhy, MSN RNC-OB C-EFM, Clinical Educator at Organon for the Jada System

Description: This session will include an interactive discussion between Dr. Kara Rood and Jada® System Clinical Educator Danielle Suhy. Dr. Rood was a principal investigator in the PEARLE Study and brought the Jada® System into her institution within the first year of being commercially available. This session will include an overview of the Jada® System, the device’s mechanism of action and a recap of the results of the PEARLE pivotal clinical trial. Dr. Rood will share her experience bringing Jada through their hospital procurement processes, best practices for training and implementation their Labor and Delivery teams and other key learnings she has had adding Jada to her treatment algorithm for abnormal postpartum uterine bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage.

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Monday, June 27
Time: 11:15 am–1 pm
Credits: 2.0
Title: The Power and Potential of Newborn Stem Cells

Lauren Isley, CGC, MS

Description: Stem cells are non-specialized cells that are able to proliferate and differentiate into specialized cells. They can be collected from umbilical cord blood and tissue after birth and then stored for potential future treatment of various diseases, including lymphoma and leukemia. Proper collection technique is vital to the utility of the samples for future treatments, and parent education is a key component in the process.

This education program explores the types of stem cells, their current and potential uses, proper collection techniques, processing and storage of the collected blood or tissue, and education for expectant parents. To register, visit:

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Monday, June 27
Time: 12-2 pm
Title: Resources and Strategies to Empower Women to Improve Maternal Health in the Fourth    Trimester

Speaker: Zsakeba Henderson, Senior Vice President & Maternal Child Health Impact Deputy Medical Officer, March of Dimes MD, FACOG

Description: Severe maternal morbidity rates have doubled over the last two decades, affecting approximately 60,000 women in the U.S. each year. Pregnancy-related death have also doubled, with more than 800 women dying each year. Per the CDC, maternal morbidity and mortality is highest in the first 42 days postpartum. The weeks following birth are a critical period to optimize the health of women and healthcare professionals are being called upon to expand care to the fourth trimester. This symposium will provide education, tools and resources to help participants prepare women and families for the postpartum period. Participants will recognize potential postpartum complications and challenges and describe strategies and resources to promote postpartum wellness and prevent postpartum complications. To register, click here: Register Here

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Monday June 27
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Credits: 2.0
Title: Decreasing the Risk of Maternal Morbidities During Cesarean Delivery at Full Dilation and Introduction to Fetal Pillow

: Deb Ebert MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR, CCRN-K, CPAN, CAPA – Associate Vice President, Perioperative Services, Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center, Houston, TX

Description: About a third of deliveries in the US are performed by caesarean section. When a caesarean delivery is performed in the second stage of labor, both mother and fetus are at high risk of additional complications. In addition, the procedure for a second stage/ full dilation / cesarean delivery may not be well understood by all members of the obstetric team. Ensuring the health and safety of both mother and fetus during this scenario requires that the team be aware of all potential morbidities, and that they be prepared to use the technique associated with the best outcomes.

This education symposium will review the anatomical landmarks and normal progress of labor and delivery, discuss the incidence and risks associated with cesarean delivery at full dilation, and describe the interventions available to manage this challenging scenario, focusing on the use of a cephalic elevation device. To register, visit:

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Tuesday, June 28
Time: 6:15–8:15 am
Title: Recent Advances in Neonatal Skin Care: Leveraging Evidence-based Insights for the Care of Diaper Dermatitis

: Andrew N. Carr, PhD
Director of Clinical Sciences, Procter & Gamble

Description: Skin is the largest organ of the body and our first line of defense from the external environment.  This interactive symposium will address: the development of skin and differences in premature and full-term skin’s structure and function; the challenges for skin during the transition from the womb to the world; describe factors influencing the incidence and severity of diaper dermatitis across the globe and the influence of race and ethnicity; best practices for the design of clinical studies in the context of recent clinical research that supports recommended skin care practices and highlight how attributes of products like diapers and wipes can impact skin health. Click here to register.

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Tuesday, June 28
Time: 6:30–8:00 am
Credits: N/A
Title: Intrapartum Transabdominal ECG: State of Art and Experience

Dr. Catarina Reis de Carvalho
Doctor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Description: Continuous intrapartum monitoring of fetal oxygenation by cardiotocography is still widely used in industrialized countries. However, there are some concerns about the value of this approach because of its challenging interpretation and negative impact on maternal labor experience not allowing full mobility of laboring women.  Efforts have been made to develop other monitoring techniques that are non-invasive and do not limit mobilization during labour. A new technology- transabdominal fetal ECG (TA-ECG) is available for widespread use (Phillips, Boeblingen, Germany), using cutaneous electrodes applied to the maternal abdomen to detect fetal electrocardiographic signals and electrical signals reflecting the activity of myometrial cells – electromyography.  A study was conducted in a maternity unit of a central hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, regarding the quality and accuracy of the fetal heart signal acquired through the TA-ECG sensors during labor and specifically during maternal movement.

This webinar will review the state of the art of intrapartum fetal monitoring with TA-ECG and its benefits. Also, the results of the study conducted in Portugal will be shared, as well as the main advantages and difficulties experienced by the clinicians adapting themselves to this new technology in the labor ward. Register here.

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Tuesday, June 28
Time: 12–2pm
Credits: N/A
Title: The Hardest Lessons to Learn: How Maternal Mortality Worsened During the Pandemic, Laid Bare Underlying Causes, and How One Acute Care System Is Fighting Back to Save Moms


  1. Lora Sparkman, RN, BSN, MHA; Partner, Clinical Solutions, Patient Safety & Quality; Relias
  2. Mindy Foster, MSN, RN, C-ONQS; System Vice President, Women and Infants Clinical Institute; CommonSpirit Health
  3. Catherine Klein, RN, BSN, CNM; Director, Women and Infants Clinical Institute; CommonSpirit Health
  4. Chris Reist, MD; President; Hahn and Reist, Inc.
  5. Jean Salera-Vieira, DNP, APRN-CNS, RNC-OB, C-EFM, C-ONQS; Director, Clinical Program Development; AWHONN

Description:  As the United States enters its third year grappling with COVID-19, one of the many tragedies of the pandemic is its effect on maternal mortality death rates. Considered a crisis even before March of 2020, recent data reveal a startling trend: America’s maternal mortality death rates increased during the first year of the pandemic. Furthermore, analysis shows that the chances of death for new mothers vary greatly by race and ethnicity. In this symposium hosted by Lora Sparkman, RN, BSN, MHA, patient safety leaders from CommonSpirit Health and behavioral health experts will discuss how doctors and nurses must come to terms with peripartum depression, and will show real-world examples of how specific education and training for high-risk pregnancies continue to be critical parts of systemic approaches to safer care. Register: Relias | AWHONN | Symposium Registration

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Tuesday June 28
Time: 12–2 pm
Credits: N/A
Title: What is the Microbiome and Why Does it Matter? Let the Experts Explain!

: Claire Ryan,  Midwife, Medical Science Liaison
Description: What is the Microbiome and why does it matter? Let the experts explain! Babies’ skin has poorer barrier and water handling functions than adults’ skin – more delicate skin demands more delicate care in order to avoid damage and infection. The experts explain what makes newborns’ skin unique, how it changes as they age, and how to respond to the challenge of caring for babies’ skin. For more information, visit us in the Expo Hall at Booth #533.
To register, click here: Register Here

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Tuesday, June 28
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm
Credits: N/A
Title: Getting the Most Out of CERVIDIL (dinoprostone 10mg) Through Proper Administration: A Hands-on Training


Edward Stoia, PharmD
Manager, Medical Science Liaison, Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Barbara Tanaka, MSN, WHNP-BC
Manager, Nurse Clinical Liaison, Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Description: Proper administration may help increase efficacy. In this session, attendees will learn the two essential elements needed to ensure proper administration of CERVIDIL.  Attendees will also practice insertion and removal of CERVIDIL using the CERVIDIL training kit which consists of placebo inserts and an anatomical model.  After the training, attendees will be allowed to take the training kit back to their hospital to share the learnings with colleagues.

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